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Financial Management for Pharmacists



Mechelen / d'Office Gent


Pharmacists (owners and non-owners)




20:00 - 22:00


04/25 | 09/05 | 23/05 | 06/06 (Mechelen)

10/10 | 24/10 | 07/11 | 21/11 (Ghent)



Overview of modules

More than ever, a pharmacy is a business like any other. The amended legislation, the pressure on finding suitable staff, the arrival of price-breakers and online platforms require the pharmacist-entrepreneur to have their business under control and think ahead. 

This training aims to inform the pharmacist-entrepreneur, to enable them to think ahead in order to understand their business both financially and strategically. This training also aims to provide future entrepreneurs with the knowledge to shape their dreams. 


Reading a pharmacy balance
The basics

As a self-employed person you’re ultimately responsible for your own business. How do you know whether your own pharmacy is financially healthy? And whether this will remain so? What are the basics of a balance sheet and what do these parts show? What is an income statement?

Day 1

Reading a pharmacy balance

Once we know the components of a pharmacy’s balance sheet and profit and loss accounts, we can proceed by drawing up a financial plan, a cashflow. This cashflow gives you financial insights into the direction your pharmacy business is heading. Where are the opportunities, what are the difficulties?


Day 2

looking to the future

The past 5 years the commercial and financial landscape of the pharmacies has changed a lot. These are important changes, not only in the legislation but also in banking. Commercially, price breakers and online platforms have emerged. How can an entrepreneur look deeper into the pharmacy market on short and medium terms?

Day 3

Location of
the pharmacy

The amendment of the legislation ensures that new dangers and opportunities arise. We look at these and examine the possibilities for cooperation and protection. This is important for existing pharmacies and future entrepreneurs who are considering an acquisition.


Day 4 - Part 1


Due to online concepts and price breakers, it’s up to the pharmacist-entrepreneur to think about his stock. A pharmacist is constantly balancing between a commercial and independent profession. Ultimately, a pharmacy must remain profitable and future-oriented. We discuss points of attention when buying and selling the trade goods from the pharmacy.

Day 4 - Part 2


Due to online concepts and price breakers, it’s up to the pharmacist-entrepreneur to think about his stock. A pharmacist is constantly balancing between a commercial and independent profession. Ultimately, a pharmacy must remain profitable and future-oriented. We discuss points of attention when buying and selling the trade goods from the pharmacy.

Day 4 - Part 2

Teachers involved

Wim Berteloot
Financial management
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Gunther Kerkhof
Financial management
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