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NH Gent Belfort, Hoogpoort 63, 9000 Ghent

Doctors, Management

€1,950, incl. overnight stay

12/05/2023 starts at 1 pm
13/05/2023 end at 3 pm

12/05/2023 - 13/05/2023

Overview of modules
This masterclass includes five important management topics that can be used in the daily practice of hospital networks. Each module is taught by excellent teachers who combine strong substantive knowledge with practical experience in healthcare and the hospital world.
Each module is followed by a practical, interactive interpretation from a debate, in the presence of a chief physician from an existing hospital network.
This two-day training is offered, including overnight accommodation
Care strategic management
Care strategic management brings the broad framework of the regional care strategic plan to the hospital networks.
The purpose of the module is to show the possibilities that the care strategic plan offers for cooperation.
Legal Management
Legal management will start with a current case to indicate the impact of the networks and where doctors from different hospitals and associations have to work together within one service.
Financial - organizational management examines how hospitals and doctors can arrive at fair compensation in a network environment.
What are the points for attention when collecting fees for doctors from the hospital network?
Leadership development- structure, guidelines and operation
This part of leadership development focuses on practical guidelines for leadership within the hospital and the network.
Leadership development- conflict management and mediation
The second part of leadership development focuses on communication and conflict management within associations / hospitals and networks.
Teachers involved
Stefaan Callens
Legal / Financial

Henk Vansteenkiste
Strategic Management

Jan Deleu
Leadership Development

Dirk Jordaens
Leadership development

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